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Jun 21Liked by Nicholas Morrissey

A very interesting piece, Nicholas. I want to re-read it, and I’m looking forward to more on this. Sadly, Evil walks our earth.

Keep up the good work!

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Thank you, Joyce! I always appreciate your comments as they come from a good place. I will also share what I can of the good in the soul. I enjoy getting the Evil out if the way first though.

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Jun 21Liked by Nicholas Morrissey

You’ve got a way with words, Nicholas. Always clear and well chosen, especially with subjects as this one.

The soul as such is inherently good, but these days only too often corrupted by the evil that goes around. Feels like Faust selling his soul to Satan for earthly wealth.

I am so looking forward to part 2!

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Jun 20Liked by Nicholas Morrissey

However, living in Generation before you, I had a similar trajectory.

The same music except the latter part,

That is a beautiful guitar, creativity is important part of keeping your sanity and spiritual growth.

Archaix you tube is interesting content

The origins and history of consciousness Erich Neumann

Thanks for putting your thoughts on the state of society to pen I believe all of what you wrote is unfortunately true, look forward to this series and your thoughts on making our way through this mess….move on and not come back, is that a choice.

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Thank you for your input and kind words. That guitar is awesome :-). Without some level of pure creativity, life becomes rather dull boring.

Nice, I will check that site out.

Hopefully we will get past this hurdle of extreme ignorance with the least amount of suffering possible. It seems most humans are more geared toward selfishness, than the commonwealth. So, my doubts of such are high.

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deletedJun 20Liked by Nicholas Morrissey
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Anything Crowley touched should be viewed as corrupt. It is not a consideration. It is a fact. They do not “tolerate” Puritans (the true light). They hate them. They teach the false light and operate in the shadows of oblivion.He also stole much of his ideas from Eastern traditions and then bastardized them to corrupt and control his followers. It would not be much different than Hitler creating a cult and people trying to find some good in it… As well, Hermeticism is false. The Emerald Tablet is just another false doctrine that tries to take credit for being “the origin” of all-things-spiritual.

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deletedJun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Nicholas Morrissey
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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

Just notice the wording. Its all to take credit from all the major religions in order to give credit to cults and theosophists.

Hermes is a made up character likely by early theosophists. Its mostly complete historical nonsense mixed with stolen and bastardized truths.

The Ancient Aryyans (not Hitler’s false idea. Hitler in most ways, was a jackass) were the Master Race. They were Humanoid and also advanced psychics. They had zero need to go to Egypt. In fact, the Ancient Egyptians (after the fall) were kinda retarded…

It is a doctrine of dualism as well.

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deletedJun 20Liked by Nicholas Morrissey
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I am not judging you, nor telling you what to do. I would recommend studying a substantial amount of history of all the major religions the Kybalion claims to have been the origin of.. a fictional character like Hermes being equated as a “contemporary” to Abraham, whom is far older, is one of many nonsensical statements.

Do you honestly think Alister Crowley would have made Hemticism a primary part of his cults if it was truly pure?

Judaism and true Abrahamic religions, such a Christianity and Catholicism are based on Puritanical living, which is an antithesis of what Crowley summoned and created his cults upon.

There is just so much historical and religious contextual thievery in the Kybalion, that as one advances more and more is much more easily noticeable.

Mormonism, and aspects of Satanism and similar fertility based cults steal the truths of Puritanical religions. Which is why some people get caught in them, or why you found truth in the seven principles etc… Any doctrine that steals truths, steals credit, and teaches half-truths should be considered false. It is like a half-poisoned apple.

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deletedJun 20Liked by Nicholas Morrissey
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It was well-thought and written well. The concepts you wrote about are not monopolized by the Kybalion, though the structure may be, such as the order of the seven principles and what the Kybalion considers the seven principles to be. In other words, “mentalism” was not originated by the theosophists who created the book, “Polarity” has existed in every major true Religion, and science for ages, and so forth.

These ideas were not discovered by those theosophists who pose as a god (“the three initiates” that actually wrote the book).

It is a misdirection and a giving away of your personal power. “Those who are first shall be last, and those who are last shall be first” — The Kybalion claims credit as the origin of all mystical teachings and traditions, “the first shall be last”.

I think you would have a stronger article if you kept your wording but took out giving credit the Kybalion or using it as a reference. You would have to reshape the article, and it would kinda butcher it in a way, but I wouldn’t delete it.

That is what I would do of it was my own article and I realized the doctrine I was giving credit to was false, but that there was truth in there that I wrote that was inspired by a stolen truth of an actual scripture.

Again, though, I don’t believe in burning books, I do believe in editing. That is my perspective. Follow your intuition. Keep it, edit it, create a correction article, delete it, follow your intuition on the matter (pun intended).

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Absolutely, in just a minute here, I will. If you are going to delete it, I recommend doing it from your own seeking and conclusion, but if the testimony of another will suffice, then, I recommend to always follow your intuition.

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